The Executive approved the mechanism for the selection and evaluation of judges
The mechanism for the selection and evaluation of judges will be improved in order to ensure an objective and fair assessment of judicial candidates. A decision to this effect was approved at today's Cabinet meeting.
Justice Minister Veronica Mihailov-Moraru stressed that the selection and evaluation of judges are key elements in ensuring an independent and professional judiciary.
"The mechanism of evaluation and selection of judges will be improved, including the merger of the two colleges, the college of selection and the college of evaluation into a single college with nine members, six of whom will be judges, three, members of civil society, which will be an optimal solution for speeding up the process of evaluating candidates for membership in a single college and organizing a single competition for training in the shortest possible time to be functional. Three basic criteria will underpin the evaluation of judges. These are professional competence, organisational competence and professional integrity," said Veronica Mihailov-Moraru.