
The deputies meet in session: What projects are on the agenda

Parliament meets in session today from 10:00. MPs will debate several bills in plenary.

Sursa: parlament.md

In the final reading, MPs will examine the draft law amending the Postal Communications Act. Also in the second reading will be examined the draft law on the modification of some normative acts with the aim of simplifying some procedures in criminal proceedings, the document on the implementation of Protocol No. 16 to the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms and the legislative initiative aimed at improving the mechanism for issuing compulsory licences.

Also included on the agenda were the draft law on road management, as well as legislative initiatives providing for amendments to the Law on special-status civil servants in the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Law on the size, method and terms of payment of compulsory health insurance premiums.

The following agreements will be proposed for consideration and ratification in plenary: the Agreement with Georgia on the recognition and mutual protection of geographical indications, signed in Tbilisi on 1 February 2023; the Agreement with the European Union on the carriage of goods by road, signed in Lyon on 29 June 2022; the Agreement with the International Committee of the Red Cross on the status, privileges and immunities of the International Committee of the Red Cross in the Republic of Moldova, signed in Chisinau on 11 January 2023.

Valeria Văcărescu

Valeria Văcărescu


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