MFAEI: The Republic of Moldova has fulfilled most of the actions in the implementation plan of the European Commission conditionalities
Most of the actions foreseen in the implementation plan of the conditionalities proposed by the European Commission to the Republic of Moldova have been carried out, Vladimir Cuc, Secretary of State of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration, told the Radio Moldova's "Paralela 47" broadcast. According to him, they concern the amendment and adoption of laws aimed at ensuring the proper functioning of state institutions.

"The intensity of our actions, of the authorities, is high. We, at the moment, have 40% of actions implemented, about 40% are at the very advanced or final stage and this percentage is already increasing. And we have around 20% of actions, out of those 60, not yet implemented or there is a need for a more consolidated effort. If we add these 40 with 40, we have I would say around 80% we are well and truly on the final phase and about 20% we still have to do", explained Vladimir Cuc.
In June 2022, the Republic of Moldova obtained the status of candidate country for accession to the European Union. The decision was taken unanimously by all EU member states at the European Council summit in Brussels. The European Commission recommended at that time that the Republic of Moldova fulfil 9 basic conditions. Most of them concern justice reform and the fight against corruption, deoligarchisation and strengthening the capacity of public administration.