Moldovans are working more and more. NBS: Average weekly hours are on the rise
Moldovans are working more and more. According to data from the National Bureau of Statistics, in 2022 the average number of hours worked per week was 39.7 hours. A year earlier, this indicator was 39.4 hours.

According to official statistics, both women and men are working more and more.
If in 2021, a woman worked on average 38.1 hours per week, last year, this indicator was 38.5 hours.
At the same time, men spent an average of 40.8 hours per week at work last year, 0.2 hours more than in 2021.
The NBS data also show that the working week increased in both rural and urban areas.
In 2022, those running their business worked 0.3 hours more than a year earlier. While in 2021, they spent an average of eight hours a day at work, last year, the duration increased slightly. The length of the working week for the self-employed and unpaid family members also increased.
The longest working week last year was for employees in the retail, accommodation and food service sector, at almost 42 hours. Also working nearly 41 hours per week were those in construction, the same as in 2021. Next come employees in transport and information technology, industry and agriculture.
According to data from the National Bureau of Statistics, in 2022, the employed population aged 15 and over totaled more than 862 thousand people.