UNFPA: By 2040, one in three people in Moldova will be over 60 years old
In 2040, about 33% of the population of the Republic of Moldova will be over 60 years old, the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) has estimated. The Government of the Republic of Moldova in partnership with UNFPA, are in the process of developing a national programme for active and healthy ageing 2023-2027, aimed at strengthening the country's demographic resilience.

According to the Minister of Labour and Social Protection, Alexei Buzu, the authorities will provide support to older people to help them live a better life.
"Within the government and the parliament, we have made several efforts and implemented several initiatives to support families. Through the programme, we have a specific goal, to help as many elderly people as possible, especially those in rural areas, to help them get more involved in activities," Alexei Buzu said.
The aim of the National Programme on Active and Healthy Ageing 2023-2027, is to support older people to actively participate in social life, said UNFPA Resident Representative Nigina Abaszada.
"This programme that we are doing together with the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection is so important to get these people to participate in the active life of society. Our common objective is to create this social cohesion and solidarity. We also want to encourage the younger generation to come and promote this involvement in society," said Nigina Abaszada.
According to the National Bureau of Statistics, in 2022, there were 593,000 people aged over 60 living in the Republic of Moldova, which is 22.8% of the total population with usual residence.