The first session of the General Assembly of the Council of Local Authorities from the Republic of Moldova and Romania held in Chisinau
The Republic of Moldova hosted the first session of the General Assembly of the Council of Local Authorities from the Republic of Moldova and Romania, which aims to exchange experience between the town halls of the two countries, to strengthen local autonomy and to develop joint projects for the benefit of citizens from both states.

Prime Minister Dorin Recean emphasized that, through collaboration, the capacity of local public authorities in our country to provide quality public services will be increased and cooperation between villages and cities in the Republic of Moldova and Romania will be strengthened, the transfer of experience will be boosted, the management of European funds and of training programs.
For her part, the president of the Congress of Local Authorities from Moldova, Tatiana Badan, mentioned that by consolidating efforts, additional opportunities will be offered and joint projects will be developed, and the close cooperative relations between local authorities will be boosted.
Also, the mutual protection of the rights and interests of local authorities within the European institutions will be promoted, including for the identification of funding sources.