DOC // Resolution of the "European Moldova" Assembly adopted in the Great National Assembly Square on 21 May 2023
The participants of the National Assembly "European Moldova" unanimously adopted a Resolution. "Accession to the European Union is the only way that can bring our country stability in the face of challenges and the only chance for development of the Republic of Moldova that will allow future generations to realize their potential, accumulate wealth, modernize the country and lead a fulfilled life ", reads the Resolution.
of the "European Moldova" Assembly,
We, the citizens of the Republic of Moldova, gathered on 21 May 2023 in the Great National Assembly Square, at a decisive moment for the fate of the country, to affirm the aspiration of the Republic of Moldova to become a full member of the European Union, to whose development we wish to contribute, by virtue of the fact that we are Europeans, both historically, geographically, culturally and through our founding values.
The indisputable right to guarantee a European, democratic, free and prosperous future for the Republic of Moldova belongs to the people of the Republic of Moldova.
Accession to the European Union is the only way that can bring our country stability in the face of challenges and the only chance for the development of the Republic of Moldova that will allow future generations to realise their potential, accumulate wealth, modernise the country and lead a fulfilled life. To this end, we adopt the following Resolution:
We, the citizens of the Republic of Moldova, ask the political class, all political parties and politicians of today and all those who will decide the fate of the country in the future:
To amend the Constitution of the Republic of Moldova in order to definitively and irreversibly establish the accession of the Republic of Moldova to the European Union. This common aspiration of citizens must be fulfilled by all political actors in the Republic of Moldova.
To ensure the opening of accession negotiations as soon as possible and to strengthen state institutions in order to guarantee Moldova's accession to the European Union.
To ensure a rapid transposition of European legislation by involving specialists from countries that have recently gone through the same accession stage, in particular Romania. To prepare civil servants, mayors, academics, business people for the EU accession process with the objective of increasing the absorption capacity of European funds and fully using the benefits of the accession process for the modernisation of the country.
To broaden the international context of negotiations for a peaceful, final settlement of the Transnistrian conflict and to use the EU accession process as a catalyst for increasing the welfare and living standards of Moldovan citizens in the reintegrated Transnistrian region.
To join efforts to improve the quality of life of citizens and raise the standard of living to European standards and to modernise localities so that all citizens have access to quality services and utilities at European level. To ensure the interconnection of all infrastructure systems to the European market - electricity, gas transport, road, rail, communications - in order to exclude any kind of blackmail and ensure the independence of the Republic of Moldova to develop freely and without constraints.
Strongly condemn the illegal and inhumane war started by Russia in Ukraine, which undermines stability and seriously affects the whole region, including the Republic of Moldova, and take a clear stand against those who started the war, those declared war criminals by international institutions and those who support the war and participate in destabilising the situation in the region and in our country.
Given the desire of the citizens of the Republic of Moldova to transform the country on the European path, we call on the institutions of the European Union to continue their support for our country and to accept the Republic of Moldova into the European family once the conditions for accession have been met. Accession to the European Union is the path firmly chosen by the Republic of Moldova.