
Maia Sandu, message on the Nistru Day: "The river offers us many privileges and it is our duty to protect it"

The Nistru Day is marked on the last Sunday of May. On this occasion, President Maia Sandu came with a message, noting that "the Nistru offers us many privileges to develop and to ensure a comfortable living. And it is our duty to protect it, treating it with respect by treating wastewater, managing waste properly and reforesting the banks."

"The history of our nation is closely linked to the flowing waters of the Nistru River. Over time, the waters of the Nistru have helped the people from the localities on its banks to grow crops, to give water their animals, transport goods, and feed their families. Little is known about the fact that the Nistru River helped thousands of people survive during the famine of 1946-1947. Today, the Nistru River is the tap water source for hundreds of thousands of people from Soroca, Sângerei districts, Bălți and Chişinău municipalities", the head of state's message states.

Also, according to the president, in the coming years, the citizens of Străseni and Călărași districts will have tap water from the Nistru, thanks to a main, which will be built with the support of the German Government.

"Thousands of hectares of land in the districts of Orhei, Criuleni, Dubăsari, Anenii Noi and Ștefan Vodă are irrigated with the waters of the Nistru and protect the plantations of many farmers from the increasingly frequent droughts of recent years in our country. Thousands of birds, plants and animals find shelter in the Unguri-Holoșnita and Lower Nistru wetlands, and local communities develop tourism businesses for those looking for a place of refuge from the daily crowd", said Maia Sandu.

This year, according to the Ministry of the Environment, the Nistru Day celebration will take place under the slogan "The river that unites us" and includes several events to which all those who wish are invited.

We remind that the Nistru River is of considerable importance from a transboundary point of view, a fact confirmed by the Helsinki Convention on the Protection and Use of Transboundary Watercourses and International Lakes.

Valeria Văcărescu

Valeria Văcărescu


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