Experts // By organising the EPC Summit, the Republic of Moldova has demonstrated that it is a strong state
The energy security of the Republic of Moldova, ways to solve frozen conflicts, supporting Ukraine in the war triggered by the Russian Federation are just some of the topics discussed today at the European Political Community Summit. According to some experts, by organising such a large-scale event, the Republic of Moldova has demonstrated that it is a strong state, which goes beyond the status of a candidate country.

By organising the European Political Community Summit, the Republic of Moldova has become more visible internationally, Romanian public policy expert Sorin Ionita told Radio Moldova. According to him, it is important for our country to be at the negotiating table when important issues are decided.
"Moldova should no longer be in the isolation of the past years and you should be able to be at the table where decisions are taken, when it is decided, for example, to relocate NATO-type armed forces in Eastern Europe, to equip countries that are not yet NATO members, such as Moldova, to rebuild renewable energy infrastructure, for example, in the Republic of Moldova. Clearly, there is also talk of military equipment arrangements, of redeployment of troops near the borders of Ukraine. This is a separate format from the EU, where we discuss issues complementary to the EU agenda and perhaps even to the NATO agenda", said Sorin Ionita.
The event in Bulboaca shows once again that our country is entering the EU area, and decisions were taken at the summit that will help Ukraine cope with the invasion of the Russian Federation, said former Deputy Prime Minister for Reintegration Vladislav Kulminski.
"It is in Moldova's national interest to have secure sources of gas and electricity and not to depend on the geopolitical whims of the Russian Federation. Transnistria is not a military danger, there are a few thousand military personnel from the Russian Federation who are there against the political will, against the wishes of the people of the Republic of Moldova. It is very difficult to imagine that they will somehow launch an attack against the Republic of Moldova or against Ukraine. Volodimir Zelenski is absolutely right that the conflict is no longer frozen, it is unfrozen and the Republic of Moldova must think very seriously about a credible plan to settle the Transnistrian conflict peacefully", said the former Deputy Prime Minister.
Vladislav Kulminski added that with this Summit, Moldova is ending its post-Soviet period and starting a new chapter - the European one.