
Maia Sandu, message after the EPC Summit: let's be proud to have hosted a historic event. It is to our credit, to everyone's credit

All the guests who attended the European Political Community Summit said the event was a success, President Maia Sandu said in a video message, adding that this is to everyone's credit.

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"Let us be happy and proud to have hosted a historic event through which our country was seen and heard throughout the European continent. It is to the credit of all of us. Together we will bring Moldova into the European Union," said Maia Sandu.

The head of state added that history was written yesterday, and this happened thanks to hard-working and dedicated people.

"All the guests said in unison that the European Political Community Summit in Moldova was a success, and this success is due to you, the people of Moldova. Thank you to each and every one of you: diplomats, security officers, road workers, labourers, traffic wardens, policemen, carabinieri, train attendants, drivers, doctors, cooks, journalists, photographers, translators, florists, soldiers, accountants, waiters, cleaners and sanitation officers, technicians, drivers, artists, videographers, directors, communicators, civil servants, all those who ensured order and security, the inhabitants of Bulboaca commune, the Mimi Castle team and many others! You are the team with whom we made the impossible possible. And we succeeded.

You made Europe feel at home. With you and with people like you, Moldova will surely join the European Union. Thank you", is Maia Sandu's message.

Valeria Văcărescu

Valeria Văcărescu


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