Romania asks Russia to reduce its diplomatic staff in Bucharest
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Romania decided to reduce the diplomatic and technical-administrative staff of the Russian Federation "by limiting its number to a level close to that of the diplomatic and technical-administrative representation of Romania in the Russian Federation". The Russian ambassador was informed about this today, reads a press release.

"According to the decision, Russia must reduce the number of positions by 51, i.e. by 21 diplomat positions and by 30 technical-administrative staff positions, respectively reduce the staff actually at the post in our country by 40 people - that is, with 11 diplomats and 29 people belonging to the technical-administrative staff (the difference between the number of positions and the number of personnel actually at the position is explained by the fact that not all positions on the Russian personnel scheme in Romania are currently occupied) shows in the statement.
The Russian Federation will choose the positions that will be reduced and the people who will have to leave Romania.
Thus, the Russian side has up to 30 days to implement that decision. If the deadline is not met, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs will withdraw the credentials of some members of the Russian diplomacy.