
Vladimir Cuc discusses bilateral cooperation and the EU accession process with the delegation of the Italian Senate

Bilateral cooperation and the accession process of the Republic of Moldova to the EU were the subject of the discussions that the Secretary of State from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration, Vladimir Cuc, had with the delegation of the Italian Senate, reads a press release from the ministry.

Sursa: mfa.gov.md

The parties welcomed the cooperation between the states and the intensification of the bilateral political dialogue, in particular, in the field of defense.

Vladimir Cuc emphasized the importance of Italy's support in strengthening our country's military capabilities and expressed confidence that the Moldovan-Italian Agreement in the field of social security will be ratified in the near future.

Also, the Moldovan diplomat reported on the efforts undertaken to implement the recommendations of the European Commission, in order to obtain a positive recommendation for the opening of the EU accession negotiations.

The members of the Italian delegation mentioned the fact that the Italian Republic remains a supporter of the European path of the Republic of Moldova.

Valeria Văcărescu

Valeria Văcărescu


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