Igor Grosu: Republic of Moldova will withdraw from the CIS Interparliamentary Assembly by the end of the parliamentary session
The Republic of Moldova will leave the Interparliamentary Assembly of the Community of Independent States (CIS) by the end of this parliamentary session, the Parliament Speaker Igor Grosu said in a show on Jurnal TV.

"The plan that I have established with my colleagues is that by the end of this parliamentary session we will give up our participation in the Inter-Parliamentary Assembly of the CIS. As representatives of the legislative power, we ask ourselves what is our role in this Interparliamentary Assembly when one of its founding states, the Russian Federation, has invaded another founding state, Ukraine? We decided to leave the Interparliamentary Assembly by the end of this session", said Igor Grosu.
We remind you that, previously, Igor Grosu, declared that the withdrawal of the Republic of Moldova from the Agreement on the Interparliamentary Assembly of the Community of Independent States is a first step, following which, gradually, all the agreements signed by the Republic of Moldova within the CIS will be evaluated, after which the other treaties be withdrawn.