CEC Secretary: Organization of concerts will be prohibited during the election campaign
During the election campaign, the designated candidates are prohibited from organizing concerts or participating in cultural and social events, said the secretary of the Central Electoral Commission, Alexandr Berlinschi, in the "La 360 de grade" show on Radio Moldova. According to him, the restriction was imposed in order not to allow them to launch electoral messages of support.

"We answered clearly that the organization of concerts is not allowed. The electoral contestants are banned to organize concerts, but they also cannot participate in social cultural events organized by someone else. It was not the electoral commission that forbade this, but the Legislative, when on December 8, 2022, the Electoral Code was amended", said Alexandr Berlinschi.
According to the Central Electoral Commission, electoral contestants do not have the right to organize concerts, contests, events or demonstrations involving performers. It is also prohibited to display during the events messages or distribute materials containing the symbols of the electoral competitor or other identification elements, as well as participation in such events for the purpose of political promotion.