U.S. to give Moldova $220 million grant for energy projects
The Government of the United States of America will provide the Republic of Moldova with a grant of $220 million to implement investment projects in the energy sector. The draft law on the ratification of the 15th Amendment to the Development Goal Assistance Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Moldova and the Government of the United States of America for Sustainable Economic Growth anchored in European Integration was voted in the first reading by the Parliament.

According to the Parliament's press release, the US Government will allocate an additional $220 million, and as a result, the grant will exceed $392 million.
The Agreement also sets out the terms and conditions for the US Government, through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), to provide budget support of approximately $77 million. According to the Agreement, our country's Executive is committed to remain aligned with the European Union's Energy Agenda. At the same time, the authorities will continue the process of harmonising Moldova's legal framework with the EU acquis.
The draft will also be voted in second reading.