
CEC's General Local Elections: voters who change their temporary residence after August 5 will not be able to vote

Voters who change their domicile or residence to another constituency after 5 August will not be able to vote in the general local elections. Similarly, they will not be able to vote in their previous place of residence. This is because, according to the new provisions of the Electoral Code, the period for registering a temporary domicile or residence cannot be less than 3 months before the date of the first round of voting. The clarification was made by the Central Electoral Commission.

At the same time, the CEC notes that these restrictions do not apply to presidential or parliamentary elections.

The Electoral Code also stipulates that the right to vote is exercised in the locality where the voter is domiciled. If the voter has both a domicile and a temporary residence, he or she votes in the locality of his or her valid temporary residence. If the term of residence has expired, the voter votes in the locality where he or she is domiciled.

The general local elections will be held on 5 November this year.

Carolina Străjescu

Carolina Străjescu


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