Olesea Stamate comments on the decision of the SCJ on the re-evaluation of the candidates for membership in the SCM and PSC: "A clear violation of legal norms"
The recent decisions of the Supreme Court of Justice (SCJ) seeking to annul all decisions of the Pre-Vetting Commission clearly demonstrate that some judges do not want to pass the vetting procedure. The view was expressed by the chair of the Legal Affairs, Appointments and Immunities Committee, Olesea Stamate. The MP says that some corrupt groups are trying to block the extraordinary evaluation of judges and prosecutors.

"We have examined some of the decisions. In many of them I found a clear abuse, a clear violation of the legal rules. All the more clear is the intention to sabotage, when we see that all decisions have been annulled. So it has not been thoroughly examined to see whether some really deserve to be returned for evaluation or not," Olesea Stamate wrote on Facebook.
According to her, the decisions were intentionally issued after the Vetting Law was voted in parliament and the parliamentary session ended.
"Probably most importantly - from the moment the remaining judges at the SCJ received the notification from the vetting commission - from the moment they have 20 days to decide whether to go to vetting or resign. Now, before submitting their resignation applications, they decided to give one last message, one last attempt to sabotage the reform," Stamate said.
On 1 August, the Supreme Court of Justice annulled all the decisions of the Independent Integrity Assessment Commission of candidates for membership in the self-governing bodies of judges and prosecutors - the Superior Council of Magistracy (SCM) and the Superior Prosecutorial Council (SPC).
The Pre-Vetting Commission, established on 4 April 2022, checks whether candidates for membership of the SCM, PSC and their subordinate specialised bodies have behaved in a manner compatible with professional ethics, whether they have adopted arbitrary acts, whether they have admitted conflicts of interest, whether they have properly declared their assets and whether these correspond to their income.