Report // 50% of Parliament's decision-making transparency affected
The decision-making transparency process of the legislature in this spring-summer session was 50 percent respected, which is a 20 percent improvement over the previous session, according to the Promo-Lex Association, which monitors the work of Parliament. However, the organisation's expert Mihaela Duca-Anghelici told Radio Moldova that there are still projects approved by MPs without being discussed with civil society, and this raises questions.
"In the previous session, we assessed about 70 per cent of the transparency of the decision-making process to have been violated, and this session it seems that there is a 50 per cent violation of the transparency of the decision-making process. That's better, but probably not enough to say that transparency of decision-making is respected. Thanks to those International Agreements, which are being promoted very quickly, usually within a day or four days from the moment of registration they are already voted in two readings. This is not in line with the legislation and it is not clear why there should be this haste. It could probably be argued that these international agreements should be implemented, but if there is an urgency then it needs to be explained", noted Mihaela Duca-Anghelici.
According to the Promo-Lex monitoring report, in the absence of opposition, 69% of bills were approved by the parliamentary majority after debates lasting up to 5 minutes.
The MPs of the Bloc of Communists and Socialists boycotted the last sittings of the Parliament in the spring session, citing the fact that the legislative majority refused to examine several projects they had proposed on the agenda. The last plenary session of the spring-summer session took place on 31 July and the autumn session will start in September.