
Moldova denounces CIS agreement on disarmament

Moldova has denounced another agreement with the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS). The agreement refers to the creation of a joint advisory commission on disarmament issues. Defense Minister Anatolie Nosatîi considers the denunciation of the document to be opportune, as the agreement has not been implemented in the country since it was signed in 1992, and is no longer relevant.

"The reason for the denunciation is that Moldova has excluded operation in the politico-military field as being in contradiction with the principles of sovereignty and independence of the state. In this context, Moldova has not implemented the agreement. At the same time, I would like to mention that Moldova ensures compliance with the international commitments it has undertaken, including those related to limits on armaments and military equipment, through the implementation of international treaties," Nosatîi said.

Anatolie Nosatîi has recently declared in a broadcast that eight agreements with the CIS will be denounced under the line of the ministry he leads, with the exception of those of a social nature.

Olga Mînzat

Olga Mînzat


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