Law declaring Shor Party unconstitutional published in Moldova
The law declaring the Shor Party unconstitutional has been published in the Official Gazette and has come into force. The law prohibits members of the Shor Party from being elected for a period of three to five years. It also prohibits the use of the attributes of parties declared unconstitutional by other political parties, electoral blocs, or other electoral competitors.

The Central Electoral Commission has 30 days to bring the normative acts into line for the organisation and conduct of elections.
The Constitutional Court declared the Shor Party unconstitutional on June 19, following a request from the Government of the Republic of Moldova. The government accused the party of violating the rule of law and destabilising the situation in the country through paid protests.
The Shor Party has called the decision of the Constitutional Court "shameful and unprecedented."
The leader of the Shor Party, Ilan Shor, who was sentenced to a 15-year prison for fraud and money laundering, has announced that he has created a new political bloc.