National day of mourning // Messages of Igor Grosu and Dorin Recean at the funeral of Mircea Snegur
The first President of the Republic of Moldova, Mircea Snegur, was the man who opened the way to a strong, prosperous and independent state, said Prime Minister Dorin Recean at the commemoration rally of the country's first president.

"President Mircea Snegur had the courage and took responsibility to create the opportunity for all of us to build a strong state, a prosperous state and an independent state. I don't think you could wish for a richer legacy and a bigger legacy. President Snegur had a lot of projects and now things are starting to develop," said Dorin Recean.
Mircea Snegur will remain in history for the contribution he made to the independence of the Republic of Moldova, the adoption of the Romanian language as well as the introduction of the tricolor, said the Parliament Speaker Igor Grosu at the commemoration rally of the first president of the country.
"It is a great loss for all of us, for the citizens of the Republic of Moldova, for his family, friends, all those who knew him. Mircea Snegur will remain in history through three very definite and very clear things: Independence, the Romanian language and the tricolor. He will remain Mircea Snegur. And let us live to remember him, to explain to our children", declared Igor Grosu.
Today, in the Republic of Moldova, it is National Day of Mourning. In all localities in the country, as well as in the diplomatic and consular missions of the Republic of Moldova abroad, the State Flag of the Republic of Moldova is flown.