Digital platform to support parents in raising and caring for children, was launched
A digital platform was launched today, designed to support strengthening the skills and capacities of parents and families to raise and to care for their children. On this platform, anyone can find useful and necessary information in the education of minors.

The president of the non-governmental organization "Child, Community, Family", Liliana Rotaru, emphasized that the platform is flexible and can be modified according to the needs of society.
"Thus, this platform will offer some teachings, some advice, some very well-chosen contents, but at the same time it will allow an exchange of experience between parents, because parents, after all, are the main specialists in raising their children", said Liliana Rotaru.
Present at the launch event, the Minister of Labor and Social Protection, Alexei Buzu, emphasized that the institution's mission is to create inclusive conditions for all children.
"We want to empower parents whose children have disabilities, have special needs and need access to certain services and benefits. Within the ministry, we believe very much in empowering parents, we must give them all the possible tools, all the necessary information so that they can benefit from all the necessary support", said Alexei Buzu.
The platform has support tools for parents as well as a chat with psychotherapists, where they can discuss the problems they face in educating their children.