
New chapter opens: Moldova embarks on EU journey

The European Commission is gearing up to start accession negotiations with Moldova in the coming days, setting the stage for the country's potential future membership in the bloc.

Romanian MEP Siegfried Mureșan, a vocal advocate for Moldova's EU aspirations, shared details of the upcoming process. "The Commission will start preparing the negotiation framework right away," he stated. "Talks will officially kick off at the beginning of next year, through an intergovernmental conference."

Mureşan described the negotiations as a collaborative endeavour, emphasising equal footing for both parties. "Moldova and the EU will negotiate chapter by chapter, drawing on each other's expertise," he explained. "Technical discussions will continue throughout the year."

The Commission's swift action reflects the momentous nature of this development. "Following the European Council's decision," Mureșan declared, "the start of accession talks stands as the most significant decision for Moldova since its independence."

This move signals a new chapter in Moldova's relationship with the EU, offering the country a path towards deeper political and economic integration. While the journey to full membership will undoubtedly be lengthy and complex, the initiation of negotiations signifies a major step forward.

Translation by Iurie Tataru

Ionela Golban

Ionela Golban


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