Moldova goes digital: E-Prescriptions streamline healthcare
Moldova's healthcare system is set for a digital makeover, with the successful pilot of an electronic prescription (e-Rx) system paving the way for a nationwide launch in 2024.

Replacing cumbersome paper forms with a secure online platform, the initiative promises to streamline medical access, ease administrative burdens, and combat prescription fraud.
Hincesti Leads the Way
The Hincesti district, located in the south-central region of Moldova, served as the testing ground for the e-Rx system. While initial concerns about functionality arose, these were swiftly addressed as the program's benefits became apparent.
"Both patients and doctors have reaped the rewards," stated Carolina Coșleț, deputy head of medical affairs at the Hincesti Health Centre. "Patients are spared the hassle of repeated appointments, and finding pharmacies with compensated medications is now a breeze."
Convenience and Efficiency Applauded
Patients and healthcare providers alike lauded the e-Rx system's convenience and efficiency. "Keeping track of prescriptions is much simpler now," commented one patient, while a doctor remarked, "The e-Rx system has significantly reduced paperwork, freeing up valuable time for patient care."
Safeguarding Against Misuse
Ion Dodon, director of the National Health Insurance Company, highlighted the system's broader advantages: "It fosters swift and hassle-free access to medications while simultaneously safeguarding against prescription misuse." The e-Rx system employs automated alerts to flag suspicious activity, such as over-prescribing or missing patient data.
A Brighter Future for Moldovan Healthcare
The successful e-Rx pilot in Hincesti marks a significant step forward for Moldova's healthcare system. With its nationwide launch on the horizon, the initiative holds immense potential to improve patient experience, enhance healthcare provider efficiency, and promote responsible medication use.
Translation by Iurie Tataru