Cars registered abroad will be able to stay in our country for only 180 days
From January 1st, cars registered abroad will not be able to stay on the territory of the Republic of Moldova for more than 180 days a year. The respective provision is valid both for drivers of cars citizens of the Republic of Moldova and for foreign ones, the head of the Customs Destinations Section, Valeriu Cozarev, stated for Radio Moldova. According to the representative of the Customs Service, the exception is the refugee drivers from Ukraine who fall under the decisions of the Extraordinary Situations Commission.

"Since January 1, we have a legislative framework connected to the Istanbul Convention regarding the temporary admission of means of transport. The new legislative framework provides for a term of 180 days over a period of 12 consecutive months. Ukrainian citizens are subject to the decisions of the Emergency Situations Commission. For them, the term of presence on the territory of the Republic of Moldova of means of transport registered in Ukraine is suspended. The term of 180 days is not calculated for them as long as there is a State of Emergency in our country", explained Valeriu Cozarev.
The respective amendments to the Customs Code were voted at the end of last year, forming part of the Fiscal and Customs Policy for the current year. People who will violate the new customs legislation risk paying a fine of up to 4,500 lei. The amount of the fine may vary depending on the decision that the law enforcement officers will make.
Radio Moldova recalls that until January 1, cars registered abroad could be on the territory of the Republic of Moldova for up to three years.