
The Republic of Moldova will receive financial assistance from the Nordic states

The Republic of Moldova will have access this year to part of the funds totaling 240 million dollars through assistance programs intended for Ukraine and our country by the Nordic, the Ambassador of the Republic of Moldova in Stockholm, Liliana Guțan, told Radio Moldova.

Sursa: protv.md

According to the diplomat, during the year 2023, 155 million dollars were disbursed out of the amount of more than 190 million dollars established for the Republic of Moldova.

"We launched a new strategy, from assistance to partnership. The document assumes a proactive approach in simultaneously attracting direct financial assistance to the Republic of Moldova, which we still need, grants and direct non-reimbursable assistance, but also technical assistance to increase trade and exports from our country of what we produce. The core arguments in discussions with policy makers in Stockholm, Oslo, Helsinki and Reykjavík included a new consideration. Aid to the Republic of Moldova represents an investment, thus contributing to Moldova's ability to become sustainable", said the diplomat.

Ambassador Liliana Guțan also stated that in 2023 Sweden became the second largest importer of Moldovan apples among the EU countries, the volume has increased by over 300 percent.

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