The European path of the Republic of Moldova, discussed in Bucharest by state secretaries from the Ministry of Economic Development and Digitalization
Topics related to the European path of the Republic of Moldova were discussed these days in Bucharest by the state secretaries from the Ministry of Economic Development and Digitalization, Veronica Arpintin and Viorel Garaz, with several Romanian officials.

The representatives of the Chisinau authorities had consultations regarding the efficient ways of economic development, Veronica Arpintin said.
"This beautiful experience and the exchange of ideas that we had during this visit inspired us a lot, I hope we make the most of these ideas. We are grateful for openness and exchange of practices. In the future, we also aim to build not bridges, but roads between Bucharest and Chisinau. In this sense, we will work together and we feel this support that makes us very happy", declared Veronica Arpintin.
The Government of Romania and other state institutions are open to having a partnership and an exchange of experience, on stages, on fields, on each individual program with the Executive from Chisinau, said the secretary of state, the coordinator of the Department for Integrated Evaluation and Monitoring Programs Financed from Public and European Funds subordinated to the Prime Minister of Romania, Roxana Mînzatu.
"I think we had a quite pragmatic dialogue. The Republic of Moldova is preparing for what it means to use the pre-accession funds. We also have completed two multi-year financial exercises with European money, in which we learned quite a lot in what it means to use financial instruments and grants to support companies", said Roxana Mînzatu.
We remind that the state secretaries from the Ministry of Economic Development and Digitalization, Veronica Arpintin and Viorel Garaz, were on a working visit to Bucharest on January 29-30. They had meetings with the representatives of several ministries and other institutions from Romania.