Vladimir Putin calls for a two-day ceasefire in Ukraine. Kiev's reaction
Russian President Vladimir Putin has asked Defense Minister Serghei Shoigu to halt bombing in Ukraine for two days, on January 6, from 12:00 a.m. to Saturday, January 7, at 12:00 a.m. The request comes after Russian Patriarch Kirill proposed to both the Russian and Ukrainian militaries a ceasefire over the Christmas period. The advisor to the president of Ukraine, Mihail Podoleak, came with a first reaction. According to him, a "temporary truce" will take place "only when the Russian Federation leaves the occupied territories."
"In view of the call of His Holiness Patriarch Kirill, I instruct the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation to introduce a ceasefire regime along the entire line of contact between the parties in Ukraine from January 6 at 12:00 to January 7 at 24:00," reads the press release issued by the Kremlin and quoted by TASS. The adviser to the Ukrainian president, Mihail Podoleak, came up with a reaction on his Twitter channel. According to the Ukrainian official, a temporary truce with the Russian Federation will be possible only when the aggressor country liberates the occupied territories. "Ukraine does not attack foreign territories and kill civilians, as the Russian Federation does. Ukraine destroys only members of the occupation army on its territory. (…) The Russian Federation must leave the occupied territories - only then will it have a "temporary truce". Keep the hypocrisy to yourself,” Podoleak tweeted. We remind you that Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and Russia requested, on Thursday, a Christmas truce so that "Orthodox people can attend services on Christmas Eve and on the day of the Nativity of the Lord." Ukraine rejected, during the day, the appeal of Patriarch Kiril. The adviser to the head of the Ukrainian presidential administration Mikhail Podoleak qualified this proposal as "a cynical trap and an element of propaganda". We remind you that today Turkish President Recep Erdogan also asked Russian President Vladimir Putin to make peace efforts in the Russian-Ukrainian war that should be supported by a unilateral ceasefire.