Moldova Census 2024: Be Counted, Be Informed
The 2024 Population and Housing Census in Moldova is officially underway. This comprehensive data collection project, launched in the square of the "Maria Bieșu" National Opera and Ballet Theater, aims to gather essential demographic and housing information.

Authorities stress the importance of citizen participation and emphasise that the census will play a crucial role in informing decision-making for societal improvement. The event includes a range of activities designed to raise awareness and encourage engagement, featuring a census taker parade, distribution of census-related informational materials, opportunities to interact with census experts, live music, traditional food, and other engaging activities.
The population and housing census, beginning April 8th, is the nation's most important statistical project, providing vital demographic information. This census will extend over 3 months, a longer duration than the 2014 census, which lasted two weeks.
Data about people and their homes will be gathered by census takers wearing distinctive uniforms. Citizens will be asked about their year and place of birth, residence, language spoken, educational level, occupation, and other relevant details. Additionally, people will be asked about the technical specifications of their dwellings. Over 4,000 census takers will use electronic tablets to complete the questionnaires.
Individuals who refuse to participate in the census and cannot be persuaded may face fines. If residents are not present during the initial visit, census takers are authorised to make up to 4 additional attempts. According to BNS director Oleg Cara, participation in this national statistical project is mandatory.
Translation by Iurie Tataru