
Macron's Sorbonne Address: Europe's Unity and Defense Imperatives

President Emmanuel Macron of France addressed a gathering at Sorbonne University on Thursday, articulating his vision for Europe.

Touching upon the ongoing conflict in Ukraine, he also deliberated on the future of Ukraine and Moldova. The discourse, as reported by Le Figaro, underscored Europe's newfound cohesion in the wake of Russian aggression. Macron asserted that Europe now perceives itself as a unified entity, affirming Ukraine and Moldova's inclusion in the European family, with eventual accession to the Union, akin to the Western Balkans.

Macron's message resonated with simplicity, echoing the sentiments of poet Paul Valéry post-World War I, regarding the mortality of civilizations. He emphasised the impermanence of Europe, warning of its vulnerability to demise, contingent upon present decisions. Macron cautioned against the looming prospect of diminishment or subjugation in the coming decade.

The French president spotlighted Europe's predicament, besieged by formidable regional powers. He lamented the escalating criticism and challenges faced by the values of European liberal democracy. In response, Macron advocated for a European initiative to invest in armaments, aiming to bolster security amidst the Ukrainian conflict.

Looking ahead, Macron disclosed his intention to convene all partners to construct a credible European defence initiative, resilient against Russian missiles, potentially encompassing a European missile shield. He further urged Europe to adopt a defence strategy less reliant on the United States, revisiting his proposal from seven years prior for a Sovereign, United, and Democratic Europe.

In his address at Sorbonne, Macron reiterated the imperative for Europe to fortify its defence capabilities and assert its sovereignty, echoing themes from his earlier discourse in 2017. Through these measures, he envisaged a Europe safeguarded against external threats and equipped to navigate geopolitical complexities with autonomy and resolve.

Translation by Iurie Tataru

Carolina Străjescu

Carolina Străjescu


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