Moldova-EU to Sign Key Security and Social Innovation Pacts
The Security and Defense Partnership with the European Union and the Agreement on the Participation of the Republic of Moldova in the Employment and Social Innovation Program (EaSI), which will be signed tomorrow in Brussels, are of utmost importance for our country, according to Andrei Curăraru, an expert in foreign policy from the WatchDog community.

According to him, the security partnership will target both the exchange of information between our country and the European Union and will also facilitate the procurement of weapons, including through European Union grants.
"Priorities also include combating disinformation and cyber-attacks, along with terrorism, which are present in one form or another in the region and all show a significant negative trend. We see increasing risks related to both terrorism and cyber-attacks, which are also occurring in the Republic of Moldova. We can anticipate that their number will increase before the October 20 elections this year," declared Andrei Curăraru.
The second document, the Employment and Social Innovation Program (EaSI), will attract more funds to support socially vulnerable groups, according to the expert.
"We will receive significant support for pensions, social payments, and payments for the unemployed, as well as support in reforming this sector, so that these payments first reach the people who need them most, such as pensioners receiving minimal pensions or mothers with many children. The European social aid program is one of the largest, ranking third after agriculture and regional development. For the Republic of Moldova, this aid will include funds allocated to disadvantaged groups. Therefore, we can anticipate increases in pensions and salaries in the public sector," further explained Andrei Curăraru, the foreign policy expert from the WatchDog community.
The two documents will be signed at the eighth meeting of the Republic of Moldova – European Union Association Council. At the event, which will take place tomorrow in Brussels, the progress in implementing the Association Agreement and the Free Trade Area will be discussed, as well as preparations for the formal opening of accession negotiations. The Moldovan delegation will be led by Prime Minister Dorin Recean and Deputy Prime Minister for European Integration, Cristina Gherasimov, according to a statement from the Bureau for European Integration.
The meeting will be co-chaired by the High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, Josep Borrell, and Prime Minister Dorin Recean, with the participation of the European Commissioner for Neighborhood and Enlargement, Olivér Várhelyi.
Translation by Iurie Tataru