
Second round of the new local elections will take place on June 2 in two villages

On June 2, the second round of new local elections will take place in Tîrnova commune, Dondușeni district and in Bucovăț village, Strășeni district, the Central Electoral Commission announces.

The commission informs that the two candidates will be registered in the ballot papers in descending order of the number of valid votes obtained in the first round of voting.

The maximum ceiling of the financial means that can be transferred or used in the electoral campaign related to the second round of the new local elections will not exceed the ceiling established by the decision of the Central Electoral Commission, which includes the expenses already reported for the first round.

Voting in the second round of the new local elections will be based on the same electoral lists used in the first round.

We remind you that on May 19 new and partial local elections were held in nine localities in the country.

Rodica Mazur

Rodica Mazur


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