"If you choose the East you must understand that you are buying a ticket to war." The messages of the ambassadors of Romania and Ukraine at the signing of the Agreement for Europe
The political orientation towards the East means war, violation of international rules, despised neutrality and a twisted history, believe the ambassadors of Romania and Ukraine in the Republic of Moldova. That is why the signing of the Pact for Europe represents an important step towards joining the European Union, and the politics has the fundamental duty to respect and fulfill the citizen's wish, said the two diplomats at the official event of signing the agreement.

After the signing by the representatives of the political formations of the Pact for Europe, the ambassador of Ukraine to the Republic of Moldova, Marko Şevchenko welcomed this initiative, but he also had a message for the citizens. He urged them to think carefully about their vote in future elections. The "politics don't interest me" approach is wrong, because "politicians will be interested in you," the Ukrainian diplomat stressed. Shevchenko referred to the situation of residents of Crimea and Donbas who, he says, although they were not interested in politics, are now being mobilized by the Russian Federation to fight in Ukraine.
"Unfortunately, those periods when they had the opportunity to choose either the West or the East have already left. Now you have a choice between peace and war. And here the war is taking place in the East and if you choose the East you must understand that you will buy a ticket to war. Open social networks, enter groups about Crimea, Donbas, and see if gas is cheaper there, if electricity is cheaper after 2019, how many men are left without families, read the forums. How many of those who voted in the 2014 referendum remained alive, because the mobilization took place primarily in Crimea and Donbas. This is what happens every time with those who are not interested in politics".
At the same time, the diplomat, whose mandate in the Republic of Moldova ends soon, expressed his hope that by the end of this decade, both our country and Ukraine will become full members of the EU. He warned the citizens that there is still a lot of work to be done in this direction, but assured that maximum efforts will be made to achieve this goal.
"When I was a child, my friend, whose parents lived in Central Asia for a long time, often repeated a saying: the difficult road you walk with your friend is two hours shorter. Ukraine is happy that on our way to the EU we are together with Moldova because, from this point of view. If our path is not be easier, we hope it will at least be shorter. In the current conditions the road will be more difficult. I am sure that at the end of this decade the citizens of the Republic of Moldova together with the citizens of Ukraine will enjoy all the rights enjoyed by European citizens. Ukrainians and Moldovans must understand that not all the work is done. Our work is just beginning, we will work much harder, more difficult".
"The European Union has the color of freedom, peace and prosperity," said the Romanian ambassador to the Republic of Moldova, Cristian Leon-Țurcanu, present at the event.
"The politician has the fundamental duty to respect and fulfill the citizen's wish. The European Union is above political ideologies. And this was amply proven by the Snagov Declaration of 1995, by which the main political forces - left, center and right - committed to bring Romania into the European Union. And today, 29 years later we all see the results. Anyone who crosses the Prut today sees with his own eyes what the European Union means: peace, stability, a better life, education and health at European standards, economic development, infrastructure. And above all, he sees respect for each individual. Respect for every community. He sees the traditions and heritage of his ancestors protected", said the Romanian diplomat.
International peace and rules are violated daily by turning to the East. Neutrality is despised, history twisted and our identity questioned, stated Cristian Leon-Țurcanu.
"Citizens of the Republic of Moldova are as European as any citizen of the European Union. We share the same history, traditions and above all a deep attachment for peace and a prosperous future in freedom, a future that we can decide for ourselves. If the citizens of the Republic of Moldova are Europeans, the time has come for the Republic of Moldova to be part of the European Union. And this falls on everyone, because joining the European Union does not mean the effort of a single party or alliances. It means the joint effort of all those who want a better future for the people of these lands. And I am confident that this desire - for peace and prosperity - will be clearly expressed by the citizens of the Republic of Moldova at the October 20 referendum. A referendum on the future of the generations that follow us", concluded the ambassador.
We remind you that today in Chisinau the Pact for Europe was signed, a document regarding the European Integration of the Republic of Moldova. Thirteen political parties from the Republic of Moldova have initialed the "Pact for Europe", but 12 have put their signatures, the list remaining open to other formations, as well as non-governmental organizations.