
New cloud of Saharan dust will reach the Republic of Moldova

An air mass with Saharan dust particles will reach again, Thursday morning, the territory of the Republic of Moldova. According to representatives of the State Hydrometeorological Service (SHS), the cloud will affect the south of the country. Dust deposits will be observed only in areas where it will rain. Rainfall, however, is not forecast in most of the country.

"This Saharan dust comes from the north of the African continent and has spread to Western Europe. Due to the movement of southwestern air masses, they will also reach the territory of our country", said Svetlana Cojocari, meteorologist at SHS.

The last time, this phenomenon was observed in the Republic of Moldova at the end of April. Then, reddish dust deposits could be seen mostly on cars and trees. According to the European Forecast Center, since the beginning of the current year, this would be the fifth wave of Saharan dust to reach Europe and the third to reach our country. Specialists say that the most affected by the phenomenon are people suffering from respiratory diseases.

Rodica Mazur

Rodica Mazur


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