
After the corruption scandal, an acting head is to be appointed at Interpol Moldova

An acting head is to be appointed at the head of the Interpol Moldova Bureau after Viorel Țentiu, who managed the institution, was accused of passive corruption and was placed under house arrest. The announcement was made by the Minister of Internal Affairs, Adrian Efros. He said that, at present, several candidacies are being considered, but he did not reveal their names.

"We followed very carefully the evolution of the case of the head of Interpol Moldova. We are now reviewing several applications to appoint an interim head to ensure the smooth operation of the directorate. At the moment we have no divergences or reluctance in the exchange of information, we are fully operable. The center carries out its activity in accordance with the tasks it has", declared the Minister of the Interior.

On Tuesday, the head of the Interpol Moldova Bureau, Viorel Țentiu, was placed from pre-trial detention to house arrest for 30 days. The decision was made by the magistrates of the Chisinau Court based in Ciocana, who partially accepted the prosecutors' approach regarding the extension of the preventive measure. Tentiu is accused of passive corruption. At the beginning of June, the head of the Anti-Corruption Prosecutor's Office, Veronica Dragalin, announced an alleged scheme in which a group of people, including civil servants from the US, received millions of dollars in bribes to delete "red notices" issued by Interpol, which signals internationally wanted criminals. Then, more than 30 searches were carried out, and six people were detained, including the head of Interpol Moldova, Viorel Țentiu, together with another accused, whose identity has not yet been established public, were placed in preventive detention. The other four people were released. Following this scandal, seven employees of the Interpol Office in the Republic of Moldova were suspended from their positions during the internal investigation.

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