
Over 590 laptops were distributed to 22 educational institutions

About 600 laptops were distributed to educational institutions in the country. The value of the equipment is 500 thousand dollars, they were procured with the support of UNICEF and the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain, said the Minister of Education and Research, Dan Perciun. The official also emphasized that the laptops are to be distributed to 22 institutions throughout the country, including eight schools in the Transnistrian region.

"In the last two years, with the support of UNICEF and the EU, we have sent over 10,000 laptops to institutions, and this year we are waiting for another large procurement of about 25 million US dollars, together with the World Bank, for 200 educational institutions. We will have 70 schools, which we will equip with interactive whiteboards and computers", declared Dan Perciun.

During the event, the representative of UNICEF in Moldova, Maha Damaj, stated that the initiative represents a continuous commitment on the part of UNICEF to increase educational opportunities for all children in the Republic of Moldova.

The official added that the equipment will help the beneficiary institutions to carry out their work more efficiently and to improve their communication processes. The beneficiary schools were selected based on several criteria, including the level of technical and material endowment of the educational institutions and the presence within them of refugee children and children with special needs.

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