
US Embassy Deal Sparks Debate on Transparency and Economic Impact in Moldova

Members of Moldovan Parliament have reviewed the text of the International Agreement in its first reading concerning the sale of land for the construction of a new US Embassy headquarters.

According to the document, the purchase price is 18 million euros, with an additional 7.5 million euros to be reimbursed by the US for expenses related to the land transfer. Members of the Bloc of Communists and Socialists expressed concerns that the negotiation process lacked transparency and argued that the purchase price could have been higher. In protest, they walked out of the session.

"We do not understand from this bill what the methodology for land evaluation was, how the negotiations unfolded, and why we did not attempt, based on the principle of reciprocity, to maximise returns. Furthermore, if the goal is not merely to prevent our Embassy in the US from renting but to secure state assets, why did we not at least condition the deal to avoid figures like 18, 14, 28, 36, and instead discuss developing a sports facility? We believe that the procedure could have been much clearer and transparent. However, given the controversy, we will vote against this project and leave the room in protest," stated Vlad Batrîncea, President of the Bloc of Communists and Socialists.

In response, PAS deputies accused parliamentary opposition members of manipulation and argued that the sale of the land to the US is in Moldova's interest. They emphasised that the funds received from the transaction will be redirected to repair several sports schools, develop the future national stadium, and establish the "Universul" Center for Contemporary Culture and Art.

"If you read the law and the Agreement, point 3.1 clearly specifies the amount. There is no need to misrepresent that the amount is unspecified in the Agreement. Regarding methodology, there is a clearly defined land evaluation process established by the cadastre. I propose that we exclusively analyse the feasibility of this venture, which is in Moldova's best interest, and utilise these financial resources to support the cultural centre and its achievements. Let's not grant this land to those who seek to exploit it for high-rise buildings in downtown Chișinău," said Vasile Grădinaru, PAS deputy.

It should be noted that, according to the Agreement, the US diplomatic campus will be built on the land located at 12 Tighina Street in the capital, covering approximately 5.2 hectares. US authorities commit to creating parks or open spaces for public use, and the planned investments will amount to approximately $240 million. Additionally, with US financial support, the former Republican Stadium, abandoned for 17 years, will be revitalised, including restoration of its historic gates, installation of public art, and the creation of a new park.

The Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Moldova and the Government of the United States of America for the acquisition of property for the new US Embassy headquarters in Moldova was concluded for a period of one year, with the possibility of extension for up to five additional one-year periods. The project will undergo further scrutiny during the second reading in Parliament.

Translation by Iurie Tataru

Carolina Străjescu

Carolina Străjescu


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