
The Republic of Moldova will open new embassies in Egypt and Kazakhstan and additional consulates in the USA, Germany and Canada

Republic of Moldova will open new embassies in Egypt and Kazakhstan and additional consulates in the USA, Germany and Canada in the period 2025-2027. This was announced by the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mihai Popșoi, at the hearings organized today by the Parliamentary Committee on Foreign Policy and European Integration.

"Expanding our diplomatic presence is imperative because only by increasing our diplomatic presence can we achieve better protection of our country's national interests and political, economic and security interests. Another principle is proactivity. Foreign policy must be proactive, anticipatory, so that our diplomats anticipate crises and we do not end up in the situation of reacting as it happens every time", stressed Mihai Popșoi.

Mihai Popșoi said that the institution is in the process of digitizing consular services, both by creating an integrated IT system under the generic name e-consulate, and by launching the centralized scheduling system at consular services.

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