
Overspeeding - the main cause of accidents on the roads in the Republic of Moldova

Overspeeding is among the main causes of accidents on the country's roads, resulting in deaths, according to the official statistics of the Police. Almost 40 percent of accidents are caused by speeders. And every second death in traffic is also attributed to overspeeding. The figures are increasingly worrying people, who believe action is needed to hold drivers accountable.

"I think it's the responsibility of every driver, but it's also people's imprudence, haste, and inattention, all together cause accidents, the more attentive you are when driving, the safer you are, but the situations are different."

"Regarding the accident, I can say one thing: more careful while driving and less drinking."

"Traffic accidents are usually the negligence of drivers, because if we take a statistic, we have the most traffic accidents unlike in European countries and the driving licenses that are issued, so far there has been no special control over how they are issued ".

"For the most part we are talking not about the fault of the public authorities, but about the indulgence of drivers, especially those who continue to disobey the traffic regulations, which is a big mistake."

People believe that accidents can be prevented and drivers held accountable.

"I think that we still need to draw attention to the driving schools that teach future drivers."

"There should be taken measures as there are many cases of drunk driving in the country."

According to statistical data, in 2023, 1,980 road accidents were recorded, resulting in the death of 197 people.

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