EU accession

When will the Republic of Moldova open the first negotiating chapter with the EU? Cristina Gherasimov's answer

The first negotiating chapters will be opened next year, Deputy Prime Minister Cristina Gherasimov told Moldova 1 TV. First, the European Commission will report on how well the legislation of the Republic of Moldova matches the criteria for joining the union, then the national governments will make the decision. For now, the bilateral screening is ongoing and will end in four months.

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Sursa: facebook// Ludmila Barbă

"For the first group of chapters, so we hope sometime in January, this report will already be presented to the council, after which a decision will follow. And we hope that in the first months of next year we will have the beginning of the actual negotiations", said Cristina Gherasimov.

Brussels and international partners have committed to finance a one and a half billion euro investment plan in the economy. For now, the Republic of Moldova has access to instruments intended for member countries, but the pre-accession funds will be opened in the next budget cycle, three years from now.

"Even if the current negotiation tool was somehow not made available to us, these funds are to be made available to us and further, with the European Commission, the government is working on a national economic growth plan", said Gherasimov.

The first negotiation chapters to be opened include justice, democracy, public administration, finance and economy.

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