
Murder in the Râșcani sector in Chisinau: the head of the IGM and his deputy directors, dismissed

The head of the General Inspectorate for Migration (IGM), Mihai Vodă, and his deputy directors were dismissed, following the official investigation initiated after a foreign citizen was murdered in July, in the Râșcani sector of Chisinau. The information was confirmed for Teleradio-Moldova by the Ministry of the Interior (MAI) spokesperson, Cristina Schimbov.

The internal investigation carried out at the General Inspectorate for Migration (IGM) revealed several irregularities in the management of the asylum request file of the Turkish citizen, recently assassinated in Chisinau, according to the Ministry of Internal Affairs (MAI). Among the problems identified are gaps in the legislation governing migration and asylum, deficiencies in internal procedures and ineffective communication between IGM directorates.

The investigation also revealed negligence in the service, such as delaying the mandatory asylum seeker interview by more than two months. Six employees of the IGM were investigated, and following the investigation, the Minister of the Interior ordered the resignation of the IGM management and other heads of departments. Three of those investigated resigned.

The results of this investigation will be sent to the Prosecutor's Office for the continuation of the criminal investigations in this case, informs the MAI.

We remind you that a 41-year-old Turkish citizen was shot seven times on July 10, while he was sitting on a terrace in the Râșcani sector of Chisinau. He was being tracked internationally through Interpol channels, with the aim of arrest and extradition for a series of crimes. Law enforcement officers have opened a criminal case and are examining the version of a settlement of accounts.

The case also came to the attention of the Parliament. A few days after the tragedy, the Legislative announced an internal investigation at the IGM, after it was found that the institution would have facilitated the presence of the murdered Turkish citizen on the territory of the Republic of Moldova. According to the Intelligence and Security Service, as the citizen was internationally wanted, his asylum application should have been rejected.

In July, the Parliament approved changes to the law on asylum in the Republic of Moldova. Under the new changes, foreigners who are in trouble with the law will no longer be able to use legal tricks to avoid extradition from our country and to avoid criminal liability.

Ecaterina Arvintii

Ecaterina Arvintii


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