
Experts urge caution as Moldova sees rise in COVID-19 cases

The Republic of Moldova has reported an increase in COVID-19 cases.

Last week, 1,381 new cases were recorded, representing an increase of 638 cases compared to the previous week. Experts are advising citizens to exercise caution and not to overlook the importance of vaccination. Although the public appears less fearful of the disease, they continue to adhere to protective measures.

Some citizens have indicated that they are aware of the rise in COVID-19 cases and are taking protective actions.

“Well, how do we protect ourselves? As usual—by washing our hands frequently, avoiding contact with many people, and that’s about it. - Did you have any relatives or did you personally have COVID? - I suppose we had COVID too.”

“I was vaccinated, and I managed it more easily. The protection is basic: primarily, I isolate myself to avoid contact both in public and at home.”

“We are aware of everything. There are many illnesses, not just COVID. - Did you have any relatives who suffered from COVID? - No. Everything was fine for us. - How do you protect yourselves? - We strive to avoid contact with those who are sick,” said some individuals.

However, some people are not monitoring the situation closely and are sceptical about the vaccine’s effectiveness.

“My husband and I both had COVID twice, despite receiving three doses of the Sputnik vaccine and two doses of Pfizer. The effectiveness was negligible; now I do not protect myself and do not wear a mask because there is no such legal requirement,” noted some people.

Experts continue to recommend vaccination, particularly for individuals with weakened immune systems.

“The rise in cases is driven by two major factors. First, the cyclical nature of the infection, and second, the population’s disregard for the existence of COVID and failure to follow general protection guidelines. All recommendations we have made remain in force. These include maintaining a distance of at least one metre, avoiding crowded places, and prophylactic vaccination of high-risk groups,” emphasized Nicolae Furtună, Director at ANSP.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the European region saw an increase of over 5,300 COVID-19 cases between July 22-28, compared to the previous week. This trend is being observed across multiple countries.

Translation by Iurie Tataru

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