
Humanitarian aid in Moldova: Major donors and impact revealed

In the first half of 2024, the Republic of Moldova received humanitarian aid totaling approximately 300 million lei from 25 countries. The largest donations came from Germany, Romania, and Spain.

According to data published by the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection, Germany was the largest donor, providing humanitarian aid valued at 112.5 million lei. Romania contributed 95.3 million lei (32.5%), while Spain provided 21.5 million lei (7.3%).

The United States, China, the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, and Vietnam complete the list of donors, with contributions ranging from 5.9 to 14.2 million lei.

The ministry reports that among the beneficiaries of this humanitarian aid in the Republic of Moldova are elderly individuals, orphaned children and those without parental care, individuals with disabilities, families with three or more children, single-parent families, the unemployed, and those affected by natural disasters. Additionally, the aid was directed toward public health institutions, boarding schools, and other organisations.

“Through the generous contributions and ongoing support of international organisations, civil society, and everyone involved in humanitarian activities, we have been able to provide essential assistance and protection to those in need. Every act of solidarity and support has significantly impacted the lives of vulnerable individuals, including those displaced by conflicts,” notes the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection.

It’s worth mentioning that August 19 is observed as World Humanitarian Day.

Translation by Iurie Tataru

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