
Ministry of Energy launches action plan for electricity emergencies

The Moldovan Ministry of Energy has announced the preparation of an action plan for emergency situations in the electricity market.

According to the source, measures have been planned to prevent and manage crises related to electricity supply. The regulation outlines the roles and responsibilities of key energy stakeholders.

A national crisis scenario involves the overloading of low-voltage electrical networks, particularly in urban areas, due to the shortage or interruption of natural gas supply to end consumers during winter, leading to increased use of electric heating appliances. The anticipated risks are categorised into several areas, including fuel shortages, electricity market failures, malicious attacks, extreme weather events, technical malfunctions, natural disasters, and human factors, among others.

The regulation establishes the roles and responsibilities of electricity enterprises, market participants, system users, and consumers in reducing risks to electricity safety and preparing for crisis prevention and management. It emphasises transparency while considering the requirements of the competitive electricity market.

Additionally, the responsibilities of the Commission for Emergency Situations and the procedures for managing crises under various scenarios are detailed. Upon notification by the electricity transmission system operator or the Ministry of Energy, the Commission verifies the risks and declares an emergency situation within 12 hours. It then assumes coordination of sector activities, with its decisions being mandatory and taking precedence over the individual plans of electricity enterprises.

The emergency action plan for the electricity market was developed with the support of the European Union and UNDP Moldova.

Translation by Iurie Tataru

Bogdan Nigai

Bogdan Nigai


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