
Farmers' register to boost agricultural productivity and prevent fraud

An Electronic Register of Farmers will be established in Moldova. This decision has been approved by the Cabinet of Ministers.

Specifically, the register will be a system designed to identify both applicants and beneficiaries of state subsidies. Furthermore, the platform will provide access to data concerning farmers' assets and their activities.

According to the authorities, the "Farmers' Register" aims to increase transparency in the use of resources from the National Fund for Agricultural and Rural Development. It will also offer real-time access to essential information through a dedicated platform.

"The implementation of this system will boost productivity in the agro-food sector, ensure animal health, and improve the quality of food products. This, in turn, will facilitate data access and investment in the Republic of Moldova's economy," said Vladimir Bolea, Minister of Agriculture and Food Industry.

Simultaneously, the tool will help prevent fraud and the submission of erroneous data by subsidy beneficiaries.

"This tool is essential because, in practice, farmers—particularly small ones—are currently not required to report on their activities. Given their significant number, the information collected by the National Bureau of Statistics (BNS) often has a large margin of error. Additionally, it will help prevent fraud," explained Alexandru Bădărău, director of the Association "Forța Fermierilor."

The Farmers' Register will be part of an Integrated Administration and Control System designed to manage and monitor interventions and beneficiaries of subsidies from the National Fund for Agricultural and Rural Development, as well as financial resources from development partners. This system is expected to be implemented by 2027.

Translation by Iurie Tataru

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