
Investigation into Chișinău assassination reveals organised crime links

Details regarding the assassination of the Turkish citizen in Chișinău, the investigation into the multimillion-dollar assets of officials, and the extent of citizen support for amending the Constitution to facilitate Moldova’s accession to the EU are the primary headlines reviewed by the press.

Assassination Investigation:

Seven weeks after the murder of the Turkish citizen at a terrace in the Rîșcani sector of the capital, the police have announced that they have lost track of the killer but have detained two accomplices, according to One suspect was apprehended in Chișinău, while the other was caught in Great Britain. The daylight armed attack was an act of revenge for the death of the killer’s brother, who was killed by the victim in 2012, as reported by the leadership of the General Police Inspectorate and the Prosecutor’s Office for Combating Organized Crime. According to the police, over 150 criminal investigation actions and special investigative measures have been undertaken during the investigation.

Suspected Involvement and Connections:

Sources from suggest that the woman from the Republic of Moldova detained in connection with the assassination may have been involved in transporting the assassin and his accomplice. It is also suggested that she might have connections with the Șor criminal group. However, Viorel Cernăuțeanu, the head of the General Police Inspectorate, declined to comment on these connections, emphasising that the investigation is conducted strictly within the framework of a criminal case, irrespective of political affiliations.

Political Implications and Support:

Radio Chișinău features an opinion from political analyst Ion Tăbârță, who asserts that the visit of Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk to Chișinău will mark a significant moment for the bilateral relations between Poland and the Republic of Moldova. Tăbârță highlights that this visit reaffirms Poland’s commitment to supporting Moldova in addressing political and electoral challenges, within the context of the country’s European path. He notes that political support from Poland is crucial for Moldova and recalls that between 2009 and 2013, Poland, under former Prime Minister Władysław Sikorski, played a key role in promoting this trajectory.

Public Opinion on Constitutional Amendment:

IPN reports that approximately 48% of citizens currently support amending the Constitution to facilitate EU accession. An additional 37% are opposed to this change, 9.4% are unsure or undecided, 1.7% did not respond, and 4% would not vote or would spoil their ballots. Veronica Ateș, Deputy Director of the Intelligent Data Company, indicates that districts in central Moldova are likely to vote "for" the amendment, while the Gagauzia region, southern districts, and some northern districts are expected to vote "against." Approximately 89% of respondents stated that they will participate in the upcoming presidential elections this fall, just over 9% said they will not, and 2% did not answer the question.

National Defense Strategy and Military Threats:

Currently, there is no imminent military threat to the national security of the Republic of Moldova, according to Defense Minister Anatolie Nosatîi in an interview with Moldova 1, on the day the National Army marked its 33rd anniversary. He also noted that financial resources have been allocated to enhance airspace surveillance. In mid-July 2024, the Government approved the National Defense Strategy of the Republic of Moldova. Nosatîi stated that the Strategy identifies potential risks and threats in the realm of national defence, considering the current security environment.

Wealth and Corruption Investigations:

Seventeen district presidents, representing half of the total, possess multimillion-dollar fortunes. Investigative journalists from Cu Sens have sought to uncover the sources of their wealth and why some have chosen to conceal certain assets. While some individuals declined to comment, others have claimed that their wealth was acquired through inheritance or diligent work. Journalists have determined that the president of the Soroca district is at the top of the list of those with multimillion-dollar fortunes. For the previous year, socialist Veaceslav Rusnac and his partner Alla Pilipețcaia declared a combined fortune of 5.6 million lei. Rusnac declined to provide further statements.

Dust Storm Impact:

The press reports that a dust storm has also affected Moldova. According to the Romanian National Meteorological Administration, a dense dust cloud from Central Asia has traversed both Moldova and Romania. The dust from the Karakum Desert is expected to partially dissipate from our country on September 5, according to the same source.

Business and Entrepreneurship: features the story of Igor Șișianu, who left his IT career to open a carpentry workshop in Cantemir. After securing an EU grant, Șișianu invested in equipment necessary for wood processing. His workshop specialises in handcrafted wooden furniture. Despite the challenges and the rarity of specialists in this field, Igor works alongside his wife to develop this project.

Translation by Iurie Tataru

Daniela Cuțu

Daniela Cuțu


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