
Strong winds bring dust wave to Moldova; air quality drop

A dust wave originating from the Karakum Desert in Central Asia is currently affecting the Republic of Moldova.

Dust particles have been observed on various surfaces, including vehicles, both yesterday and today. The Environmental Agency has confirmed this occurrence and noted an increase in air pollution levels.

According to data from the State Hydrometeorological Service, strong winds have facilitated the deposition of these particles on exposed surfaces.

The Environmental Agency reports a slight rise in concentrations of suspended particles, with levels surpassing permissible limits at several air quality monitoring stations. However, these levels do not currently pose a risk to public health. Specifically, at the automatic monitoring station in Chișinău, PM10 concentrations have exceeded the reference value by 1.4 times, and at the station in Mateuți, Rezina district, by 1.7 times.

The statement from the source explains, "During periods of high temperatures and low humidity, emissions from burning fossil fuels, particularly from vehicle traffic, can become concentrated in the lower atmosphere, thereby worsening air quality."

Forecasts indicate that on September 4, colder air will disperse the dust particles and dilute atmospheric pollutants, leading to a significant reduction in pollution levels and an improvement in air quality.

Translation by Iurie Tataru

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