
Moldova embraces digital education with new system

The electronic catalogue will be implemented in approximately 560 general education institutions across the country during the current school year.

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According to the Ministry of Education and Research, the system encompasses data on students' daily attendance and academic performance, in addition to information regarding topics covered in class, homework assignments, and links for remote learning lessons.

The Ministry of Education and Research clarifies that the data will be accessible to students, teachers, and parents, providing real-time access to information regarding their children's academic progress.

"The platform facilitates enhanced communication between teachers, students, and parents by streamlining the exchange of information," stated Minister Dan Perciun. "Teaching and administrative staff can more efficiently manage student attendance records and academic performance, thereby reducing workload and minimising errors associated with paper-based data management. This initiative is integral to the Ministry’s plan to digitise the education sector."

To equip teachers with the necessary skills to utilise the Electronic Catalogue Information System, the Ministry of Education and Research will conduct 14 online seminars from September 6th to 13th. The training will be facilitated by the Center for Information Technology and Communication in Education, and over 500 network administrators and 10,000 teachers are expected to participate.

Translation by Iurie Tataru

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