
Moldova transport operators threaten strike over new laws

The Patronal Association of Road Transport Operators (APOTA) has requested an urgent meeting with Prime Minister Dorin Recean to address the challenges currently facing the industry.

They are demanding the withdrawal of proposed legislation that they believe will adversely impact their operations. APOTA has warned that, should their demands not be met, they will initiate strike action in the near future.

In a letter addressed to the Prime Minister, APOTA has denounced what they characterise as illegal actions by the Ministry of Infrastructure and Regional Development (MIDR). The carriers accuse MIDR of implementing measures detrimental to the transport sector, including the elimination of the automatic renewal of permits for regular routes and the introduction of regulations related to cash registers.

Furthermore, the carriers have expressed concerns over the lack of a clear methodology for calculating fares for transport and bus station services. They allege that MIDR is delaying the establishment of such a methodology, creating unfavourable economic conditions for operators in the sector. They also contend that bus stations continue to be operated by certain groups rather than by state authorities, as mandated by law.

In response to these issues, the carriers are calling for the Ministry of Infrastructure and Regional Development to withdraw the proposed legislation that would shorten the validity period of permits for regular services in national traffic. They argue that the removal of this provision will negatively impact their operations. Additionally, they are requesting a revision of the regulations concerning the mandatory use of cash registers, asserting that the current regulations favour a specific manufacturer and create a monopolistic environment.

APOTA has also proposed the establishment of a working group comprising representatives from the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Justice, the Economic Council, and transport associations. This group would be tasked with developing a clear methodology for determining fares for transport and bus station services and addressing the issue of the illegal operation of bus stations by interest groups.

Teleradio-Moldova has attempted to ascertain the government's position on APOTA's requests and their response to the allegations against MIDR. However, as of yet, no response has been received.

Translation by Iurie Tataru

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