
Annalena Baerbock: If the Republic of Moldova wants to move in the direction of the EU, then no one from the outside should influence it

Putin tried to destabilize the situation in the Republic of Moldova, he tried to make the high prices of energy resources undermine democracy, but the Republic of Moldova managed to face all challenges, and Germany supports it in difficult times. The statement was made by the head of German diplomacy, Annalena Baerbock, in an exclusive interview with Moldova 1 TV.

The Minister of Foreign Affairs of Germany mentioned that, apart from direct levers in energy, Russia also applies elements of the hybrid war against the Republic of Moldova, such as disinformation and cyber attacks.

"We have faced cyber attacks in Germany as well, which have been directed from Russia at the conservative party and other parties. In Europe we had to deal with such phenomena, but in the Republic of Moldova the situation is more complicated. Due to historical and economic relations, the Republic of Moldova is very dependent on Russia. Europeans must be in solidarity and we are in solidarity with you", declared Annalena Baerbock.

Also, Annalena Baerbock said that the European Union cannot be indifferent to the fact that some external forces are trying to destroy a state's democracy.

It is also important that the Transnistrian dispute be resolved peacefully.

"If the Republic of Moldova wants to move in the direction of the European Union, then no one should influence this from the outside. And that is why, it is so important for us to continue to do everything we can with regard to Transnistria, as Europeans, in this case through the OSCE. The resolution of this conflict must be peaceful".

We remind that the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Germany, Annalena Baerbock, participated, yesterday, in Chisinau, at the Moldova Partnership Platform meeting.

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